Friday, May 15, 2009

Girl Crush: Elle MacPherson

On my way in to the office today I was flipping through the June issue of Lucky thinking about how I love everything but can afford nothing (PR salaries aren't your shopping friend).

On page 42, I came across a photo of Elle MacPherson taking her son to school and I swooned. She looks A-MA-ZING. From her hair to the Egyptian-Hieroglyphic-esqe dress she is wearing the crap out of to her gladiator sandals and aviators.

Maybe it's her oh so adorable son in his school uni or the classic bike she's pushing (way to go green, Elle!) but that photo makes me want to be her. The whole supermodel thing helps too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Love at First Sight

It was love at first sight when I spotted these Loeffler Randall ruffle suede sandals recently at Hearst Tower...I'm not even a "pink" person but I can't stop thinking about them...too bad I can't afford them!